Mystic pinball cluB night
Club Night is held weekly on Tuesday, 7:00-9:30 p.m. Cost: $10 per person for unlimited play on our 20+ machines. Also open for free play for those not interested in competitive play.
NEPL Season 21 kicks off on May 7, 2019 for 8 weeks. Competition play begins at 8 p.m. (first hour is warm up). For full details about NEPL tournament/league guidelines, including how to sign up, please visit nepl.org. It is also useful to join the NEPL Facebook page for updated times/dates of tournament play at each location (particularly helpful in times of inclement weather).
NEPL IS FREE to first time members (prize/raffle restrictions apply). Come try NEPL for FREE this season and join in the thrill of the Silver Ball.
To join our club mailing list, email info@mysticpinball.com or just turn up at the next Club Night. Check our website or Facebook for Club Night Dates.
Mystic Pinball is proud to be a location of the New England Pinball League. For a complete list of other NEPL locations, click here.